When I first got this I used the photo on a Blog post, must have been 4 years back, at the time I was also involved in the trade/sale of a second nicer one, crazy how when it rains it pours! I think Kirkland got the nicer one!, This is on a WPP1, why do you ask, well when Fred started his deal with Wham-o he got discs from them & he had extra stickers so here you go, could be fewer labels than AT discs.
Hall ( Circa 1949 ) Sky Pie, came with a wire catcher, I had the mold for this flying ring but took it apart and sold the top and bottom plates as well as the ejector pins to Kory Stone, Kory made a shadow box with some nice different colored rings. 1st period was of a soft plastic, 2nd period was of a stiff plastic, value $200 each.
Premier Products Mars Platter ( pre Wham-o ) Planets, Stippled rim 2nd style, Planets in order, there were 3 runs of these discs, first had the planets out of order, second had them in order and last you find the word Frisbee on the underside, Wham-o sued and put them out of business and started using the molds. You can find Wham-o Mars Platters with flight rings and stippled rims.
from a private collection. Value $1000, this one is funny, I saw it in Victors book & I always chased it because I did not have it, No one ever talked about it much, come to find out that it dates back to one of the earliest flying discs! Flying- Saucer was first in 1948, Not a disc but a ring the Sky-Pie was from 1949, The Space Saucer shows up along with the AT Pluto Platter in the mid 50s as does this disc, now you know, I had the mold for the Sky -Pie, got it from Ralph Williamson, You know him? 10 X Disc Golf World Champion not in the Hall Of Fame. Anyway, it was a 500 lbs paper weight, you can see a picture of my boy Curtis helping me take it apart, WE got the top & bottom plates among with the push pins & traded them to Kory Stone, Kory did a display box with them, I need to contact him for a photo, to see the picture of Curtis look under other things!.