Say what you want about the post office but they do a good job delivering the mail, making money is a different matter! Now days seems most folks you deal with want a tracking number. I was slow to use this service, it is cheap and using it could have saved me many headaches!
I see a trend, people that claim not to have received a package. If there is no tracking number to prove it was delivered, well you see where this is going, this last year I had about 5 such interactions. So now I use the tracking number every time and I suggest you do too!
Crazy thing is even though I pay for the tracking service I do not supply the info, why? I guess I was just being a blockhead! when I get a order it ships the next day and folks get it a few days after that. I still get notes saying " I have not received my package " these ding dongs did not see the tracking sticker on the packages that show it was received?
I guess I need to be upfront with people and provide the info and let them know ahead of time that it is being tracked. But wait here is a new one, a buyer got his tracked disc but the mailer was empty, the says that there was a opening in the mailer but too small for a disc to get out! Did I mail a empty package? I guess it could happen, but with this latest trend of dishonesty I would say not!
I still enjoy meeting new disc collectors and find the web the best place to do it, so jump in and find that disc you have been looking for, it is out there!